Session 2017
Session 2015
The 2015 session of InMRAM has gathered about 70 attendees. Among them, 58% of students, 28% of researchers and 14% engineers from industry. 60% of the attendees came from abroad (8 countries represented).
In the final evaluation of the session, 66% of the attendees were very satisfied, 28% satisfied and 6% moderately satisfied. The feedback received from the attendees will be taken in the preparation of the next session.
Session 2013
Following the first InMRAM edition, many thanks to the organizing committee, to the speakers and to the participants, who have all contributed to the success of this event.
There were 112 attendees for this first InMRAM edition, coming from 20 different countries, most of them (70%) having no background in magnetism.
Students, engineers, researchers and industrials were present to follow more than 24 hours of tutorials on various topics related to MRAM such as magnetism basics, spintronics phenomena and materials, various MRAM technologies, MRAM design tools, etc.
R. Sousa (Chair)
B. Dieny
K. Garello
L. Buda-Prejbeanu
P. Sabon
L. Prejbeanu